An Inside Look at Manufacturing Circuit Classics PCBs
There's no doubt that we, at Bay Area Circuits, get to work with some very talented individuals working on some pretty incredible projects. Star Simpson is one of those individuals and Circuit Classics is one of those projects! Star is bringing to life classic circuit drawings from Forrest Mims' "Getting Started in Electronics" and recently made the designs available via Crowd Supply.
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Hardware Manufacturing’s Comeback in Silicon Valley – BAC
Are we experiencing a rebirth of Silicon Valley hardware manufacturing? High volume manufacturing of hardware is not something commonly done in Silicon Valley, with much of that work finding its way to places around the globe. But a large amount of new product development, prototyping and low volume production seems to be firmly positioned in the Valley.
Read MoreMaker Faire: Why We Love & Support It
Maker Faire Bay Area 2016 concluded this past weekend and I was grateful for taking the time to attend. Self-described as “part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new”, the Maker Faire brings together tech enthusiasts, hobbyists, engineers, educators, students and many more, to show what they have made and to share what they have learned.
Read MoreCongressman Mike Honda Visits Bay Area Circuits’ Manufacturing Plant in California
Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA-17) met with executives and employees of Bay Area Circuits at their manufacturing facility in Fremont, California. Coordinated by IPC, the world's leading association for electronics manufacturing companies, this visit is part of a nationwide effort to educate policymakers about legislative and regulatory issues that affect...
Read MoreBAC Adds Accu-Score: Max-V Scoring in Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley, CA, January 13, 2016 – Bay Area Circuits, Inc., a leading quick-turn manufacturer of printed circuit boards (PCBs), announces it has purchased and installed an Accu-Score AS-100-MAX VScoring machine in its Silicon Valley facility. The AS-100-MAX is a …
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The Gerber Format; an Interview with Ucamco
For engineers new to PCB design, the term ‘Gerber files’ will quickly become a part of their everyday vernacular. And as such, it’s a topic we’ve covered frequently and will cover again today by going straight to the source via …
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