

The Ultimate Guide to Efficient PCB Layout Design

When you begin the journey of efficient PCB layout design, you’ll quickly realize that it’s more than just placing components and connecting traces. It’s about mastering the intricate balance of performance, manufacturability, and reliability. Here are some advanced strategies that …
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Barebones and Golden Gate Special Requirements

Requirements for Golden Gate Special:   ( Panel: 18”x24”  with usable space equal to 16½” x 22½”.  As many boards as each panel can yield.  Max. 20 panels.  The silkscreen layer: white.  Production time: 5 days. ) Layers:  1 or 2 Thickness (mils):  31 or 40 or 47 …
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Navigating Instant DFM

Instant DFM is a revolutionary tool that makes quoting Printed Circuit Boards easier and quicker.  Our automated quoting service helps quote PCBs quicker than ever before. Here are the steps to receiving a quote for your PCB.  You will also …
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Top 5 PCB Design Rules You Need to Know

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design is a complex art that demands precision and knowledge. Not adhering to certain fundamental rules can lead to the production of poor-quality PCBs, potentially compromising your entire project. This can cause delayed timelines, increased costs, …
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The future of printed circuit board design

The Future of Printed Circuit Board Design: Innovations in Software

Printed circuit board (PCB) design is at the forefront of innovation in the ever-evolving technology field. As electronic devices become more complex and compact, the demand for efficient and reliable PCBs continues to rise. To meet these demands, software developers …
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PCB Basics from design to final artwork

Printed Circuit Board Basics: From Design to Final Artwork

Printed circuit boards (PCBs) play a vital role in the functioning of electronic devices. Whether it’s your smartphone, laptop, or even your car, chances are there’s a PCB inside powering its various components. But have you ever wondered how these …
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Routing Signals Between PCB Layers

Part 1: An ESD Example Signal Current Flow in a Layer Transition Abstract: Printed circuit board, PCB, signal paths must often change layers in a board stackup. Under some conditions this can cause problems. An ESD example is used to …
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Time & Money Saving Design Rules: Insights from a Fabricator

As a PCB fabricator we’re frequently asked, “What are your basic design rules?” Typically what designers are looking for are some guidelines to follow when designing a PCB layout, though this could mean a variety of things. Over the years …
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Palladium Bars - Bay Area Circuit

ENEPIG Plating Guide: Guide To Evolution of PCB Finishes

The evolution of technology manufacturing is always moving towards a higher level of complexity.   Newer designs have to be lighter, faster and smaller with every iteration of the next device. Not only do we continue to move towards more complex …
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Choosing Optimal Trace Width: Guide for The PCB Design

A factor to consider when designing single-layer and multi-layer PCBs is trace width. As with other design factors for PCBs, requirements for a good trace width can impact the size and layout of a PCB. Reducing PCB size may reduce costs, but there’s still a need to ensure you have sufficient...
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Mastering The Printed PCB Design: Secrets for Excellence

Designing for excellence requires a disciplined approach of keeping the reliability of the PCB at the forefront of the design process. The performance of the PCB isn’t of much consequence if the board fails prematurely due to low-grade components or unaccounted for peak current...
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Optimizing the PCB Manufacturing: Ensure Correct Files

You’ve completed a PCB design and are ready to send the design to be manufactured. But the file export process isn’t always straightforward, and, depending on the PCB manufacturer, specific requirements may vary. Here are some helpful design file guidelines...
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High Temperature PCB Design Considerations

Printed Circuit Boards are indispensable electronic devices, but sometimes engineers are faced with temperature constraints that force them to think outside the box. In this article, we will be giving a high-level overview of designing a high temperature circuit board, and along the way we will...
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Single-sided or Double-sided PCBs?

Fundamentally, single-sided and double-sided printed circuit boards serve the same purpose. Both serve as catalysts for electrical connections between components, however there are some key differences that set them apart from each other. More specifically, they differ in the costs associated with production and development processes, as well as ampacity differences.
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Resources for Learning Electronic Design

Whether you’re a professional design engineer, an electrical engineering student, or an electronics enthusiast/hobbyist/maker, it pays to never stop learning. Fortunately, this is the information age and there’s no shortage of resources available to learn about electronics design. There are many other great electronics design resources available and we thought we’d share a few of our favorites.
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Creating a Successful Multilayer Printed Circuit Board

Printed Circuit Boards today face an ever-increasing demand in capabilities including high speed, low weight, higher component density, miniaturization, and more. Multi-layer PCBs can help meet those increased demands. A multi-layer PCB is created from two or more PCBs stacked together, although they are not simply laid one on top of the other.
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Guide to Manufacturing The Best Printed Circuit Boards

We’ve written extensively on topics related to ensuring that the PCB manufacturing process goes smoothly, but today, we’re going to take a higher-level view of the process, from idea to ready for manufacturing, and offer up our recommendations on steps to follow to ensure the desired outcome is achieved.
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Tips for Including Fonts & Graphics on a PCB

As PCB aesthetics continue to grow in importance, we’re manufacturing more designs with specific fonts and graphics as a part of the PCB’s silkscreen layer. But if you’re not following the process we’re about to describe, don’t be surprised if things don’t turn out quite the way you expect!
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